Alright, so I won a Blog-Type Awardy thing. I'm very new to this blog thing, and I had planned on just using it for my game, anyway, but it seems I have no choice. So, on with the motley!
1. Thank and link back to the person who gave you this award.
That'd be Gary James. A blogger extrordinaire, who would be much more adept at this award thing than I. And he was. But he tagged me, so...
2. Share 7 things about yourself.
Can do.
- I am a huge Whedon fan. I've watched every episode of every one of his shows. Except Angel. I can only get to the theme song of that. I *may* have watched one episode, because I heard Summer Glau was in it. It wasn't bad.
- I've just started watching Doctor Who. Only the New Series, and I've not seen most of Season 1. Anyways, Tennant is my favourite Doctor, and Amy Pond is my favourite companion.
- I love westerns. And Sci-fi. So I'm writing a sci-fi western setting for this system that I'm writing right here. So there's something to look forward to.
- I used to be in a band, and I play bass, guitar, and ukulele if anyone is interested. Any style, any band.
- I'm just finishing my second year of highschool, or "sophomore" year for you Americans.
- I'm clean and sober. Not that it was a concern, or would affect you in any way. Just.. you know... whatever.
- This is fact seven. I couldn't think of anything.
3. Pass the award along to 15 bloggers who you have recently discovered
and who you think are fantastic for whatever reason!
I... I don't even know 15 bloggers. Anyways, I'll post 5, so just visit their sites 3 times each.
Mary (I don't know her last name), follow on Twitter
Jill Pantozzi, follow on Twitter
Kristen McHugh, follow on Twitter
Keir Thompson, follow on Twitter
Melissa Beall, follow on Twitter
4. Contact the bloggers you’ve picked and let them know about the award.